This is written to offer and exchange information about the LSC program
grantee in Minnesota. This is written with the purpose of problem-solving,
planning allocations, and organizational systems operations for the LSC
program, and for attainment of necessary civil remedies shown to have been
denied with demoralization, in the region of its territory and appointments
of a grantee SMRLS, and by the showing of the ineptness, manipulated
definitions of poverty, allowance of State coercion and abuse, and
permission for the concentration camps where health, security, life and
liberty are denied through an imposition of isolation, mental coercion,
deficient management, misinformation and hate by using a personnel and the
bureaucracy and, through the managed opposition to better human progress.
The research into the issues has developed a useful approach to take to make
the amends, otherwise this level of investigation might seem useless.
Your LSC program grantee and Minnesota never make use of the societal
progress for efficiency, and to produce improved results, but affirm the
institutional and self-managed imposition of mindless authority as a
bureaucracy which is supposed to be useful to me, and to the many users to
include young families, learners, elderly, afflicted people and somewhat
unbalanced people. The users ar the victims of the powers here when we are
crushed as if we are an opposition to their way of making a living through a
manipulation of the legal issues and grant applications, and evidence for
making such showings. They have demoralized themselves by failing to study
management, and they prescribe the abandonment of all objectivity and
learning, as the representation of facts and information is the initial task
of managers, and we have no evidence that our outcomes would fit your
stories, if not for the fact that the system has no inputs from the world.
The issues here are that the system is controlled in every detail, and that
there is no requirement for evaluation of effect it has had, it's basically
a cult on paper to them, But to me it is a failure of a funding mechanism
which is meant for the development of community, and these are two
properties do not perform in tandem but in opposition to each other. I
believe it is my complaint that will show the representation of the numbers,
charts, needs, identities, and practices to be discussed herein. They
agencies here separate the people from access to the society, the
developments, the history and progress, and higher methods of the society
and all humanity for that measure, in favor of their own formula used to
implement confusion of their own design and for the collection of rent
through a welfare system which is unable to connect the people to the
present society, and has fallen into a persistent pattern of mismanagement
and dysfunction. No one here or anywhere, should give this City government
the time of day, they are useless as managers. Someone has to know how to
tell the time.. We are being denied a personal trancendence of our human
biology, as the society provides with computer based information systems
(CBIS), and we suffer as the creatures of an hostile environment that is
desperate to starve our strategic means of fundamental life, which is by
organization, strategy, and competition. This is a City where the Mayor is
only drawing cave paintings on the walls with his own stool. They will not
study anything but ways of misrepresenting citizens to Washington and HUD.
The City uses program funds to produce propaganda and pay its idiots which
will lead it to more dysfunction within the enterprise, its stool, adorned
germanic-palace, walls. The eveluation of the matter has been based upon
textbook descriptions of this society and our those levels governmental
bureaucracy which manage neighborhoods and community development. In
addition I provide a description of the management of the general
organization in a modern forum, which would suggest contrasts in management
and the reason for lack of benefit, which is left to become abusive and
hostile in the context of private rights which are denied from birth because
of a community regime that practiced here without concern for due diligence
for 20 cysles of the mismanagement (yearsc.
Dear LSC,
The topic of focus of this simple letter would be on the misuse of power and
the fermenting of illegitimate legal practice. I've taken sufficient
expense to develop this informative program communication, to assure that it
merits the attention I would request for it. To fill out this introductory
paragraph, I mention that details are given below, but a gral theme of this
would be that the expectation here, with respect to LSC services is that a
level of genuine political faith will be pursued within the institutions
which are sponsored under the claim that they will assist the lower level of
the social strata's people. I am making a claim that for mutual success by
most of the levels of the strata to proceed, there is need for a basis to
dispel discrimination and bias. However, there is encouragement of bias
which proceeds here. The bias has been institutionalized and is well
affirmed in the office of your LSC grantee. The need of social services
supports is being translated by Minnesota to mean luxury office space. The
women and children in the lower strata are left without supportive programs.
The type of support I observe a need for is support which provides its
clientele with self evaluation, and the ability to develop a peer hierarchy,
similar to the State bureaucracy. Evidently Minnesota, our local public
housing agency, and your grantee prefer to argue with clientele when
clientele is isolated, lacking support and educational aid, and lacking
information service about the nature of a depraved State office which usurps
funds under the identifiers of poverty, yet aspires to no mission. LSC
agency's grantees apparently deny legal aid to 80% of the
deserving/qualified clientele. Their performance is not being corrected.
The LSC attorney appointed for my assistance will not communicate. He has
simply usurped the funds meant for representation and remedies. I am
without medical care and program supports. The public housing agency plans
strategy for the spending of $160,000 in tenant rents for property worth
$50,000, and the Medicaid dentist offers Minnesota confirmation of a double
standard and a bias, to affect the treatment of Medicaid dental patients.
These Minnesota dentists are maiming and mutilating patients who are losing
the ability to chew, digest, and smile. My neighbor named Mr. Hall had his
front teeth in his pocket when I ran into him. They prescribed the same for
me, unless I pay $3500 in cash for the real prosthetics. The Minnesota
program authorizes only plastic Halloween teeth that fall out of the mouth.
I sued federally, but I am not competent, although I have their answer to
the complaint to confirm what is known as the unproven effectiveness of this
The intention here is to encourage the maximum use of existing resources,
which will result in an inflow of opportunity to serve a wider group within
this city. And the situation is now, that a minimal span of distribution of
resources causes the allowance of an aggressive oppression to equity by
certain people within the city who have more control over the resources than
do others. I especially refer to housing, services for family support i.e.,
community psychology, childhood learning, associations for development of
effective strategies for economic support i.e., charity, and communication
media. The grant for a public housing newsletter is used to distribute the
profile of people who aren't qualified to walk my dog. The other page has a
recipe. This is community development? There is no result to anything that
is funded here. The concentration camps are getting wider and deeper in
their means of psychological manipulation and pretense of authority. Your
LSC grantee worships all the "bozos" they hire here. He must expect a nice
Our issues remind the city that the public housing tenants are here to
improve the overall benefit available in the city here, and we deserve
staffing and responsible representation in the matters of adjudication of
what constitutes our imposition, or our opposition, depending upon who may
appear to be in charge here. As the public housing is yet here, despite the
bias against several religions, or skin colors, or intentions of the people
who reside there, providential response is expected from the secular and the
religious groups in the city. We expect an effective bureaucracy is to be
provided in either case. We have been treated as if we are here, in a
concentration camp, in exile within our own city and with malice. The
granted poverty funding, usurped with bias, is failed and LSC and social
service administrators have not taken social responsibilities for our
welfare into account. Our tenant's right to appeal is actually an appeal to
the same administrators who care nothing for us tenants. The organization
is not even closely considered. The malfeasance is rampant and as I claim
loved by the LSC grantee, which sees this as a circus where he can imagine
himself to be an act; someone resembling the pathetic clown. How is that
coming about?
The LSC grantee has refused to give us access to an accounting of our
funding and to planning of facilities, provided in the law, which are needed
for the better development of the city. The city has been administered by a
group which is bent upon the use of public housing for abusive segregation,
and to gain salaried positions that they are not competent to fill. The
result has been wide expressions of politically supported hate media and a
hate based regime which hides behind a personal covenant of distraction;
some religion or other, but likely to be Mormonism. The PHA plan is a
totally ineffective instrument here, and I have been institutionalized in
this miserable concentration camp for years as your pathetic clown of an LSC
grantee picks the splinters from his behind. But the failure of the city
has not been my failure, and their losses will not be of my doing either. I
have seen a side of this, which is absolute prejudice, and a communication
of tyranny and depraved authority to contrive superiority. To the LSC
grantee this concern does not seem to merit my assistance.
This concern merits the legal assistance of 2 million people who reside in
public housing in the country, of the United States of America. What the
result of that legal assistance should amount to, should be clear after this
document has been completed. After all if the LSC has no answers, they
might oblige those devised by this client. Some of the LSC grantees seem to
believe that their success depends upon their willingness not to support
clients. Some time ago, the fact that class actions were not being
prosecuted by LSC grantees, was reported in the newspapers. But while this
city might need a staff attorney, this level of complicity against the
plaintiffs who claim abuse of their persons in public housing, and with
respect to applications and funding allocations, by the city's corrupt
patronage and the LSC grantee can no be granted as their advantage.
The outcome of the LSC representation will assist wide underclass strata of
people in a struggle to attain bureaucratic management competence, mutual
dignity within their own political class of citizenry and authority
structure, if not self-sufficiency. The State appointees are as incompetent
and complicit as the LSC grantee. The psychology of independence, attitudes
of dignified character, other religions, other skin colors, and other grant
applications for charity, facilities, and operations which are beyond the
competence of the city are not to be opposed with grant funds meant for
poverty relief. If the communication channels were opened, to a legitimate
evaluation of the chances of these people and for me, the benefit of a
response could be an observance, which the city and the facilities are
abusing and terrorizing and stealing from the residents of public housing.
How many signatures does it require? This is a liberation struggle. Not
that unusual?
An attorney/client representation issue herein, results in continuation of
institutions and structures of the city, (Winona, Minnesota pop. 25,000),
where policies about public housing are one subject of this complaint. The
city diminishes facilities by its incompetence and failures to modernize and
account to the public. Program funds are wasted and employees
non-functional which effectively translates into abuse and intentional
discrimination by the city which operates the facilities. The director of
public housing named Randal Parnow was abruptly fired some years ago, and
there was never a reason provided to the public or tenants. It seemed as if
there was some threat made against him by the city, and that he would agree
to leave and keep his mouth shut. This is the consistent program that
"houses" hundreds of tenants among them the weak, children, insane, etc.
The terms are the same as those for an abused wife. The city can
manufacture obedience, complicity, authority, surrender, insanity, and the
like using its own claims of authority here. It has no right to abuse and
neglect here under pretence of competence or authority. The mayor here
collects tin cans in a scrap salvage yard, who does he represent, certainly
not myself! He wouldn't merit the dog walker certification either!
They divided the system into their part that supports them, and my part that
abuses me. Giving them a power by the system is to abuse me. Show me
credentials. What the hell is this anyway?
These factual issues would not however suggest a liberty of natural heart
and mind. These are not the issues of personal promotion. These issues are
to suggest the humanistic boundaries for all. We see a child grow, under
the guidance by the father. But the father also allows the child to pursue
other interests. The father will never withdraw support for the child. But
if this happens the child becomes distressed and dysfunctional. The
parental trust was not proper. And this is also pattern with human society.
The central question of a social contract agreement is the maintenance of
support for the individual person. Supportive agencies for the persons of a
class have an issue to be undertaken by parties who are unqualified.
However this is opposite to what happens in the relationships between
opposed societal factions. The winning faction just attempts to withdraw
support for any perceived opposition, and this causes distress. But which
level of community will the appeals rise to? Will the State support the cut
off of supports for certain individuals. Then if that is done, will the
federal government challenge the actions of the State? Can the clientele
form an association for their self-reliance which does not receive the
State's approval? Then if the federal government perhaps cuts supports from
certain people, should that be final? Is there a purpose to worldwide
concentration camps? What about international slave markets? Well the
issue is central to the provision of legal aid. I consider the operations
of housing, to resemble the promotion of the social good for certain people
I find to exist as a group, perhaps defined as unemployed, unsuitable to
support themselves, minors, ethnic minorities, those who would be neglected
by parent, or financiers. I believe their support should be encouraged
thoroughly. The city's administration has shown that it does not promote
their social integration or support through housing programs which would aid
their education, the moral and social development of minor community
factions, offices to support their rights and administrative functions which
would lead to education, programs for their health and support within a city
which espouses a hate-based regime as its highest product. A
self-misrepresenting little regime without a fatherly temperament is what
they represent to me. The city evinces discrimination, and the withdrawal
of the acceptance of my humanity, and withdraws from the reality of the
necessary recognition for the needs of the tenants of public housing where I
reside. I would like to define necessary channels for tenants to use to
alleviate the effects of this State terror through the facility of public
housing. Tickets to events and public sport arenas, special travel, special
media, political focus on financing and the political uses for economics.
The city's public housing promotes discrimination, demoralization and abuse
of the lower minorities. Just allowing the social issues to appear to be
unrecognized, is a formula for dehumanization of each of the citizens here.
I believe that there is not reason to abuse and intimidate and deprive
anyone here for any reason. Appointment of council would affectively
support the civil rights claims that I make herein. And appreciation is not
for me to offer, but these are issues that may be ripe for me, and not for
the neighbors' children who is destined for the bastardization he will find
within the LSC office and these State boundaries.
The withdrawal of support here will be challenged. I appeal for legal
assistance. The people are being abused not supported. The support must
take a form of an evident program for complete social economic acceptance
and merit of he societal benefits of free exercise, not social rejection or
the experiences of societal indifference. The supports should include
integration into society with invitations to arenas, cultural events,
school-learning, medical aid, and political inclusion within city planning.
These issues are involved within the features of the PHA plans for a city.
The USC Title 24 HUD explains the administrative requirements for community
development programs and responses require by the city. My own familiarity
with various governmental strategies is not as clear as it is for HUD
programs and for LSC attorney/client agreements.
The HUD facilities are meant to be a problem solving environment. The
facilities are not solving the problems. The population is used and
manipulated, but this is not a solution. Treachery which is involved with
having both a media newspaper and powers as a major landlord seems to
inspire the worst type of political depravity from the administration here.
The LSC grantee appears to find comfort among the depraved administration
which abuses me. Yet the HUD funding offers the tenants a political
organization of their own along with a merit for access to LSC attorneys.
The options are cancelled by the LSC grantee in cooperation with my city.
The city prefers every aspect of discrimination and hopelessness, to any
formula which would alleviate poverty, and this traumatic insult of poverty.
Attitudes which I relate to this matter, of public housing administration do
not belong in the political operation. The level of employee that inhabits
these administrative facilities only inhabits mindlessness. The effects of
this neglect and dysfunction are compounded by supports to them. The
director of public housing takes his cues from senile old women on a coffee
break. This is claimed to be his approval by tenants who are mired in a
struggle against globalization and automation, and police surveillance of
their children in the schools. There is noting that resemble a tenant
alliance to assist with any societal condition. There is no access to
charity, no public affairs, no study of needs, and no evaluation of budgets.
This is a god-damned Mormon peonage and a concentration camp with a full
menu of mental and physical deprivation offered by the bastard political
city, for the uses of segregation and discrimination issues.
We allege the malfeasance of the LSC grantee, in that the performance is
well beyond the scope of legitimacy of powers invested there, when seen as a
whole functional product.
The practice of legal counsel requires perspective which is missing in the
work of the LSC overall. The cities and agencies noted as grantees do not
offer citizens legal advice, although the cities are operating with soup
kitchens and streets lined by dying beggars.
This seems to be a scene from some cock-eyed hate inspired religious
folklore, which may in fact be a on the fringe of Mormonism, or it may be
just white-trash communism.
So then, as I briefly consider the issue these were a summary of results by
the administrative practices placed in juxtaposition, against the better
alternatives which are proposed by my arguments for representation and need
of remedies, which are opposed and neglected. After these opening remarks,
this discourse should show some background on these issues from their early
history of cities, and also, those features of the conduct of the LSC
grantee as to its reaction to coping with modernity, and a fraudulent role
it finds available to itself, a popular rule in the bastard's order and
grace. The legal whore for a city in Minnesota is not a valid role.
The early development of modern liberal government has a character which is
suited to the spread of the good, and the great, through the
institutionalization of language, commerce, centers of learning, histories
of success and defeat, with the belief that humanity would be elevated above
the level of a slave supplicant, or of a brute. A secondary religious theme
in the popular scene where government is organized would be the regional
establishments for combat against pillagers, ruffians, and robbers, may be
themes of religious character, of individual reform and penitence, with
focus upon western modernity. Of course these are incidental to the reality
of religion which is a hoax at best.
The changes of material social living involved the building of cities, which
stood out from the flat pastoral landscapes since the 1600's. And the
design of cities and warehousing/shipping, and sciences or trade offered the
potential to colonize widely on a scale which showed promise. Many of the
Old World States sent people, who were shipped to colonies from European
cities, to arrive here in North America. The character of the settler types
was never tested for their potential to carry the attention to civics,
learning, modernity as a social movement, forward. And their status as
colonists once was that they were held within accountability as colonies,
and as merchant suppliers. That is not the case since the American
Revolution and the establishment of the present circumstance.
It is probably likely that the pursuit of social progress has been outlawed
here since. The legal services corporation reported the other day that its
agents have dismissed 80% of the cases which were suitable for free legal
aid. The institution of a monopoly financial scheme which redlines whole
sections of the population and bastardizes them to disarm them and
reauthorizes their will to achieve in spite of prejudices and discrimination
is retained despite efforts for control that issue, and the legitimized
interactive hierarchy, puts them into the position of defending issues
revolving around poverty as their rightful fate which is suspiciously
manufactured, in the downtown center of their cities, among their keepers.
The alteration of their environment into a religious-poverty concentration
camp where god is a master is the logical outcome of a politics where the
winner pays no taxes to use the city and the citizens are managed, to obey,
not to be represented. The citizen now receives 1500 calories a day, and
religious broadcasting. The corporate elite go kayaking in Hawaii after the
tax cut
A secret society dislikes someone with a strut which differs from themselves
The issue being presented relates to the question of illegitimacy and the
designs of their power were it again to be seen here as accountable to
citizens of a particular social character. This is my letter that argues
for the arrest of this power of this LSC grantee, and for the end of these
abandoned colonists and imbeciles which form a barrier against truth and
law. The LSC was evaluated in a recent paper, and the evaluation showed
that many of our nations citizens were without the protection of the
material of society, which would be named as being, systems for development,
for cultural continuum, for human aspirations and associations. An this
paper refers to our request for control of what we find in this city, where
the power is still placed within the institution of public housing by HUD,
for the attention to the social need. The LSC grantee opposes funding to
perform the request which is being made by me, of the public housing
residents of this city.
The HUD agency has taken over the Community Center and the funding meant for
tenant's betterment. Among the issues for attention are education,
child-guidance and family psychology, attention for the maladies of city
administration and for allocations, and planning, and to develop integral
and qualified leadership among tenants. Because of the results of this
theft against the city by the HUD agent, the most vulnerable are left to the
designs of an empty poverty of hopeless being attacked by islands of
contrived power, including your LSC grantee. Yet the power to establish
hopelessness would not seem to be a legitimate goal, and by the power of HUD
tenancy, this is our complaint about the poverty reservation your LSC
grantee rules. It is a city in the Midwest.
Our role as the complainants herein, is to describe the facilities which
have meant our suffering, as if the intention was financial punishment and
political segregation. We mean to describe the criminality and fraud which
has taken place in the city, within the practice of the LSC grantee, and to
request reforms to address the wrongful depravity dedicated to the
manipulation of the city, and to ask for compensation of our need as a city
that involves HUD, and the allocations of benefits to tenants of HUD agents.
The result of the lack of HUD oversight, and lacking LSC accountability has
not been equal opportunity housing, but malevolent power to oppress
community opportunity and regional strategies to institute competence and
modernity. HUD's agency is populated by unfit administrators, unwilling to
retire of grant us appropriate authority as citizens and tenants, and the
results are catastrophic on a very large political scale to the point where
religious anarchists in the city have become the reformers. The progress is
in the backward direction. Your LSC grantee fosters a religious
demoralization and the bankrupt emotional dependency, rather than community
political power. This pretense of legitimacy does not serve any purpose in
the city, in the religious institutions, or the judicial, or the chartered
city government. Yet your system of creating a bastard of power does not
require legitimacy, only a broad media channel and the lack of potent
opposition. Certain opportunity costs are born by children and the needier
groups among a city, in the shadow if this. The vulnerable supposed to be
represented by the LSC grantee. The complaint herein is based upon the
demoralization which the city designed, based upon HUD funding which has
been challenged in issues brought to HUD. HUD has been promoting the
programs for single-family home ownership and has the intent to address the
potential for rejuvenation of cities where residents of its HUD public
housing reside. We are the public housing residents which were to have
received funding which was diverted from us by a city mayor and public
housing appointees. It is my intention to make these points clearly, yet I
do need to rush through some of this paperwork.
Someone once said that it is important to show a positive outlook when
presenting ideas to others. I'll certainly keep their suggestion in mind.
The person, who said that, inferred that the other people would respond to
the gestures of interest in the communication process, for a lively
exchange. My point of entry into the issues of LSC grantee arises where I
notice that certain behaviors and habits which are common have become a
foundation for oppression within the sphere of your LSC grantee. It is the
song, not the singer that is of interest here. I am concerned about the
power of a well funded organization, which seems to recruit a population of
indigent, elderly, and disabled people with the intention to disregard the
laws which protect their civil rights and mine, in the name of its own
destiny. A "little Caesar" of the slum. And on many occasions I have
requested to be accommodated on the more universal questions which involved
public housing and intimidating communication which was being sent to PHA
tenants, and the assessment of medical treatments regarding dentistry where
an assessment indicated a double standard is being applied, on financial
grounds of bias. Assessments of issues relating to peer group needs, social
roles, community education and political education, practices relating to
organizations which are operating, perhaps a suggestion about legal remedies
as opposed to remedies which are needed within an organization, which refers
again to organizational assessments and access to such information. I
consider this as the claim that we are denied access to social institutions,
such as HUD allocations, medical care, housing, education, public services,
and welfare.
The employees of legal services are also perhaps being mistreated, and are
perhaps not fit to practice as lawyers any longer. Some may need political
asylum, because of what they face in Minnesota. Many of us do hope for
freedom from these sons of hell and their substrata of illiterates; the
politically man asks political asylum. Which social institutions offer the
separation of a group, in society? Allow us to exercise rights in society
for a political sponsorship of their elimination, and for by the
reciprocation of economic sabotage which they preferred as it merits them.
I'll see them in hell tomorrow.
The extension of a system without a feedback for accountability only mimics
a manipulation of reality, and refers to itself for the procedures to
follow. The system of local agencies which employ the machines of
government also limits the visions of any political reality they will
recognize, otherwise not sensing the breakdown of the sensors and driving
the clients of government into the muck. The analogy relates the Susan
Smith case, to my city's bureaucracy insofar as the agencies seem to feel
the need to drown the children, and then to blame the car.
Here is an email to Bob Youngerman of 8/1/2005
Att: Robert Youngerman, attorney certain in matters of public housing
Dear Bob,
I write to provide some information related to matters of public housing
which can be placed on the calendar for the service they require. The other
tenants and I appreciate such available service.
The use of the word, "forum", the phrase, "functional areas of a firm" and
the two concepts of "economic deprivation" and "concentrated poverty" would
describe the subject of this letter. What I and other tenants who are able,
or will be able would like to see done with Winona's public housing would be
that essential "functional areas" are developed, and that the current forum
for the exploitation of a never-ending condition of misery and illness will
be ended here.
To broaden and illustrate, I received information that a firm (public or
private) looks to functional practices such as accounting for example,
management data systems, engineering, so that these areas provide input to
the longer term and broader possibilities, perhaps marketing, investing. It
is my purpose to emphasize these functional areas" are coordinated with
healthy objectives which are known and publicly acclaimed. Firms receive
investments on the basis of the use of such work and strategies.
The concept, of the forum would be seen in the notice of a public sphere
where this work in fact proceeds. Now the forum of public housing has been
given authority which is formed on a basis of community development. The
functional areas come under the authority of residents and the public
overall. In this matter the residents find a forum for everlasting economic
deprivation and concentrated poverty is being delivered. And the tenants are
disregarded as to their need to accomplish much of the requirement in the
"functional areas" because there is lacking of facilities allocated, budget
information, staffing qualifications, and control over staff. And in place
of the needed agreements and staff, there have been attempts to traumatize
tenants, to disfigure their personal aspirations and to tell tenants that
they are a lesser class of people, because of these contrived hate schemes
conceived in Winona.
As to the forum of the authority which has overseen the complaints I have
made, I ask that the complaint be made with a request for accountability to
the victimized tenants, including generations to come who will be born and
will suffer in the conditions of this Winona ghetto of ideas. We ask you
office again to arrange that cable information services and office
automation facilities be implemented. We ask for lifestyle guidance and
wellness information in many cases it is necessary. The forum I find here is
a forum to deliver oppression in the form of captivity and maltreatment. W
ask that HUD be given a chance to evaluate the issue, and we ask your office
for proper information and services in this cause. As more information is
gained about the issue, the greater the need for services. I find Winona to
be insincere in its approach to the HUD offices, and the malignity of the
situation is deep seated but hidden.
There is no society who could tolerate this peonage that Winona has create
with nothing but a worthless land holding and a defective governmental
program which is a fraud in the eyes of all. The interactive predator Winona
HRA who seeks a forum to demand what it wants to feed its defective mind,
rather than to distribute aid it is seeking to segregate and abuse tenants.
So we wish your endeavors success. There was a written newspaper article in
the Winona Post newspaper this week. A mention of a program for music
instruction was made. Do they play music in this public housing Winona HRA
hell? Who says that it is music? Work on it Bob.
email to LSC grantee SMRLS, Bob Youngerman atty. from 7/20/2005
Winona, Minnesota
July 20, 2005
Dear Sirs:
Tenants of Winona HRA are residents and occupants of the City, which is
engaged in a malicious act, by segregating them. The evidence of this
malicious conduct is found in the unequal access to justice and the level of
management negligence. SMRLS seems to communicate to us tenants with an
implication that it (SMRLS) relates to the dichotomy between the whole City,
and the warehousing of tenants in public housing who do not receive
beneficial oversight from legal offices, regarding the management
responsibilities conveyed to inept managers here. There is in fact that
false dichotomy which is used to justify the existence of public housing as
slum. The public housing is a housing development of significant size and
potential. The lack of the managers and the City to develop a public record
of the potential of the housing as a service for the people, who take
residence there, constitutes an act of malicious neglect, and reckless
disregard for the occupants of lower-income housing. It has been developing
in that direction but the facility must be reformed. I take your parts in
that process to be informed, and empowered at the level of your license. I
would ask your office to see that the tenants are able to make informed
decisions relating to what takes place in the City under the guise of
services which should be provided to them, and that we tenants are provided
with modern resources and competent managers. Neither is available
email of 7/18/2005 to Bob Youngerman
Winona, Minnesota
Dear Sirs:
In the topic of tenant (resident) councils, tenant's rights, and PHA plans
for coming term in Winona, it considered necessary that an organization of
resident services is administratively established. The tenants will place
the administrative content on a network which would serve as the login page
for tenant internet sessions. Accounts for services per resident, and
accounts for general and committee groups are on the second level and,
optional for those which benefit by those services. At the same time, what
would be improved in this way would be the involvement of residents with the
overall City's offerings, and the type of social-politics. The goal is to
avail tenants of administration which surpasses what is likely to be hired
in the range of salary which a public housing office in this City has been
offering. The level of demand for these positions assumes a residential
tenant component.
The domain page for this network can be delivered by the company which has
since claimed to provide an internet laboratory in several locations (not
found though). The slower connection speeds are available for a discount,
perhaps 20%. HBCI internet will negotiate computer delivery, and
installation. A system can be can be procured for as little as $30 but
usually about twice that much. The HBCI Company also offers telephone as a
I would like to see if the residents will utilize the services for
self-service. Several types of major topics such as health, education,
historical, local cultural interests, and managements of housing programs
for tenant involvement would be centrally contained with a service of HBCI.
Contact there is Loren Wondrash - sales VP.
email to Bob Youngerman of 7/13/05
The institution of city public housing would contain the seed for political
participation by persons who may not be fully competent, yet would be
interested in functioning within an organized community, rather than in a
hermitage. So the suggestion herein refers to another broad city
institution, which is the institution of technology. The recent
establishment provides a political stage to people who may be interested in
writing letters, writing songs, making a movie, etc. Today, this comes to me
as a thought, because the books I am reading suggest a technology of
presentation, which is a top down type of solution for computing. But the
presentation tier technology has also been simplified to the degree that
becoming a "presenter" of various contents, or manipulating information
generally, across the public spectrum of idea, is more possible than ever.
It no longer requires very skilled information technology skills, and a
young woman or man can become more engaged in his community life, and
thereby establish him/her self and also raise the level of discourse.
Attached is some internet references in note form and it would serve to
explain more completely.
Public housing
email to LSC grantee Paul Mundt atty. from 6/13/2005
June 13, 2005
Dear Paul,
You know I was writing something and it came out, "did you consider that
attracting poor people to worthless land, in concert with a government
program which has been exempted from being responsible is essentially an
imprisonment. Other unrelated issues or considerations of other issues,
along with the fact that a contract to deliver a proper potentiality to it's
people has been broken where that government regime has created impossible
terms, by us of segregation and deterrence of the ability to overrule their
petty self-rewarded ambitions where such conditions have been implemented.
They have intentionally developed a slum-like atmosphere where there is no
assistance provided to increase the earnings and employability of the
tenants, and the tenants remain in a condition which is uninformed and crude
and unable to normally develop among conditions of a larger region. What
kind of an ignorant regime of such propensity fails to know that by
arranging society into groups which are conditioned upon the ability to
prosper, i.e., average skilled, lesser skilled, and higher functioning
(organizations and bureaucracies), is a hateful and self-serving
segregation, and that the power of the people to function en masse, while
sharing the potentiality of mankind, a design which is the decree of a
Creator, and also placing most higher performing situations at the disposal
of a political system, should deliver the necessary value of self-support
and human ingenuity. Yet I see the oppression delivered to us living in the
public housing squalor, becomes an act of excessive crime against lowest of
the children, and their families which are abandoned to compete with a well
organized and illegitimate oppression which is lacks compassion while it
fights against the little ones for a right to its upgrade in lifestyle.
Bastards of the Slum this Winona HRA
email to Bob Youngerman from 6/13/2005
Dear Bob,
Can you provide any suggestions on the question of an issue which would be
related to the taxation vs. payment for City services? I am in doubt as to
whether public housing is a service, or a tax. And when the consideration is
on the quality of services, as now would indicate poor service, does it show
that the level of taxation by the City in question here, has been multiplied
in an inverse proportion to service cuts. Placing all of these indigent
people together to fail and taxing them unreasonably would demonstrate
malfeasance. The level of indigence also increases with the lack of support
in a circle of escalating oppression, neglect, and abuse. It comes to your
attention for an examination herein.
Thank you
email to Bob Youngerman from May 23, 2005 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
May 23, 2005
Bob, the issue of indenture regarding public housing should be noticed for
purposes of the issue with Winona HRA. The dictionary provides the
definition as one of a bind between an apprentice and a master. There has
been a common term, "indentured servant" also. The indenture is a
relationship which is related to payment.
The suggestion I am introducing for evaluation is that often, a contract
about lending of money includes terms where the payment exceeds the sum
which was loaned. Moreover, the lender is able to attract borrowers using
some advantage which he holds. The master has an advantage over the
apprentice, since the apprentice needs the trade skills. The act of lending
or "letting" a public housing apartment does not involve such an advantage
by the public housing rental (PHA) office.
It seems to have become part of a policy in public housing (HUD) wherein the
disadvantage of the renter, is used to force the renter to surrender to the
PHA. The same terms are often known as "predatory lending" where a lender
will allow the borrower to take on an obligation which will take over his
The Winona PHA does not seem to comprehend the idea that the apprentice is
being prepared to become a master, and he is surrendering in exchange for a
private benefit. The public housing rental (PHA) office, specifically the
Winona Housing and Redevelopment Authority, has no authority to deny the
Court and plaintiffs, such as myself, proof that it has not begun using a
device of dehumanization and segregation, in the provision of public
housing. The involvement of tenants in City planning and in tenant programs
is demanded by industrial city society from the time of the guild. The
lacking issues of progress reports and accounting practices appear to
demonstrate a demand of accountability to public housing which has not shown
merit. And it does seem to require a loyalty to the task one's own
dehumanization and degradation by this City in the contracting of family
housing for children. The legal representation should fulfill the interests
of the community and dispossess the Winona HRA. I will appreciate the legal
assistance. While good people are denied human rights, the terms of housing
can be compared to the construction of ghettos, concentration camps, work
houses, slave plantations. If the master abuses his apprentices and but
promises a trade, he has not acted as a skilled master, but as one who
degraded the life of a lesser man, often a boy in the apprentice trade. We
tenants do not see any reason to pay for housing as though it were an
imposed tax. The programs are meant to rejuvenate and lift an entire
community. The budgets and programs and employees are not consistent with
the HUD objectives, and the result is closer to a concentration camp. These
notes can illustrate some internal problems of your City and its level of
management. These are the lawsuit issues which are being developed, against
the Winona HRA. The City owns nothing these children are ready to pay for.
john xxxoooppp- tenant public housing
winona Minnesota
The additional issues, are that the city public housing director wants to
influence not only the choice of tenants who reside in city public housing,
but those associations and programs which are provided to assist others,
through the reflection of the need within public housing and the tenants
more directly under his organization. And the city would seem to be ready
to limit the influence of policies for the benefit of the public housing
sphere to where the preferred citizens in a middle-class somewhere imagined,
have no exposure to the political choices of us, as tenants. That we will
always be a political second class, if not an economic underclass, which
also may occur. This is a matter of pretending that these Protestants are
the real chosen people, and we tenants are the slime that washes up on to
the shore. That God is against my side. But in the matter of
modernization, I could explain what it means to make the effort to offer
assistance for the rejuvenation of the poor, and to offer a reflection to a
larger surrounding area of the lives of the lower strata, and to accept
charity or public services in exchange. The technology is fairly
inexpensive, and perhaps it could be made a little more user-efficient and
offer more encouragement to the beginners. In any case this could
effectively cancel the fifteen or twenty vote margin which puts a mayor into
office within a small town. The selection of programs will have to be made
appropriately and with rightful intention. I explore these matters in this
letter to serve this cause. I happier to notice that economic competition
and undermining of the benefits of participation can be expected in the city
and State within the auspicious establishments that are concentration camps.
Notice that I suggest with a flip of the coin on a rainy election day, I
might be elected as mayor. I would appoint a librarian with knowledge of
educational and employment and cultural offerings, and sociology. And I
would establish charities and associations to fund for the better
development of several neglected strata of the population. As it is I am
just going about it without being elected, and the LSC agency is doing what
it seems to say that it is doing. I think the LSC grantee/agency has
collided with public housing Minnesota.
Best of luck,
john xxxoooppp - public housing tenant
SMRLS winona minnesota - client
email to Bob Youngerman from May 18, 2005
Well it's the Stockwell testimony. Whatever your resources, the Winona HRA
uses the tenants facility as an office, deprives the tenants of programs,
and is managed as a corrupt PHA would be. They have used several technique
to degrade and even dehumanize the tenants. The employees do not meet a
community standard for experience or accomplishent. You might win in the
game of hot potato the City wants to play. As you are probably aware much of
what is normally taxable, will often take place in a foreign country. The
contrast between what is taxable activity, and what is an administrative
cause related to deprivation of health, welfare, and sustenance is not to
effect the people in the public housing program. The Winona HRA and City
have placed themselves illegally, into a position of intermediary and grant
administrator. Their hired workers do not meet the qualifications. They have
not assisted the tenants in the development of administration for tenant
programs. Their actions constitute corruption, misleading accounting, denial
of civil rights, and abuse of families with young children. These questions
require that resources are requested. if they are needed. The results of the
City appointees, and the grant administrator are being hidden by those
overseeing these housing grants. Segregation into public housing is
altogether illegal, and the development of a community-wide image and
programs that address the greatest needs is preferred by public housing
residents in the City. Public housing tenants deserve that their grant
administrators are capable of listing activities, offering discounts,
scholarships, calendar of events, open information about public housing. As
it is done currently the commuity center is close if the Winona HRA has not
rented it to an outside group, other than during business hours when the HRA
has also rented it. There are no classes, no facilities, and no employees
appointed to work for the benefit of public housing chilren, and other
grantees. I do not believe anyone connected to the City has the
baccalaureate degree preferred by any organization which administrates
grants. On the contrary, I believe that the grant administration is being
mishandled, because the results are theat tenants are going ill-fed, ill
clothed, and with requiirements of a human society unfulfilled. That is the
result of mistreatment, and failure of grant oversight. And it is the result
of the City administration. I would like to request assistance in legal
matters of this uissue. That the tenants of public hosing will be granted
the ability to see and experience the benefits of interesting activities
which go on, or take the needed steps to develop more qualifications. The
isolation and abuse of the public housing tenants in the cause of
segregation, and explaining their abuse to bring it into focus in a form of
a psychological counter insurgency, well.. As I mentioned there isn't one
among the coterie here that is qualified to administer a grant for public
housing . That might be important to consider. The federal Courts encourage
cases such as this to come forward. The public housing tenants are not to be
limited a City and its public housing grants. Resources exist for tenants to
pursue. As I suggest these measures require a free access to facilities, and
assistance from qualified staffers willing to learn of new items being
offered, and able to collect and embrace the community people. Less is not
being accepted and will find an appeal channel within the process of
choosing the employees public housing. I request a reform of the level of
persons hired to be given tenant related responsibilities. The access to
facilities and to the distribution of information on the existence of
programs, resources, and the development of fulfillment in the spirit of
social work, community values, and family affairs, with all the technology
and decorum needed, will be thankfully accepted. This would be your writen
request for legal assistance. I've been seeing some information about a
"robot agent" that might be able to accomplish more than I've been able to
list.. Such an information agent would be of great impact for tenants. I
believe the reedies reqested are a good start toward a recovery from the
poverty of your City.
email to Bob Youngerman from May 18, 2005
To: Bob Youngerman <<mailto:***>>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 5:50 AM
Subject: kasten letter
Dear Bob,
The neighborhood's people are writing the appointed Minneapolis attorney to
join the cause of action against the Winona HRA and City of Winona. I'm
writing to make the points available to you, and to ask what the schedule
for reform of the policies which were illegally devised and enforced will
be? I do not know whether the attorney for Stockwell has the intention of
expanding the case or marginally prosecuting the City and its PHA. The
qualifications for jobs involving "Tenant related issues" will have to be
assessed properly. Any janitor can perform custodial work, replace the
stoves and sinks in HUD apartments in concert with a licensed plumber.
Community administration funds should not be spent on glorified janitors,
like Doerer, and the executve assistant. I myself can not appreciate the of
the staff of winona HRA in this neighborhood, which is not a business
district. I do lnow that the staff is unqualified and takses up needed
community resources, and the resources need to be developed above what the
Winona HRA has been told. Keep me advised, thank you.
Letter supporting Stockwell's allegations:
With this letter please recognize the affirmation of my interest in a matter
relating to the case your office has filed on behalf of a former worker of
Winona Housing and Redevelopment Authority. I am an upper college level
student at the local university, in Winona as well as a tenant in a facility
named Schaffner Homes which located a distance of one hundred yards from the
Winona Family Center which has been designated as an "office" of Winona
Housing and Redevelpopment Authority. I address this letter of support to
some allegations being prosecuted with the Stockwell lawsuit. Ms. Stockwell
correctly accuses the Winona Housing and Redevelopment Authority of a
practice of mistreating the neighborhood. Those were the intentions of the
Winona Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Their intentions were to carry
forth with a fantasy of anger against the underclass and their children and
to revert to a military style domination of a neighborhood, without regard
for the children and for the citizens residing in public housing.
I'll attempt to be succinct, but there is a need to make a series of factual
presentations against the Winona Housing and Redevelopment Authority, in the
forum for disputes, the Courts. I believe there is another possibility for a
backlash against this neighborhood, should your lawsuit fail to meet the
level of proof, and I write to give a documentation of the facts.
In the field of sociology, a community is known for its potential to grow
its children, to express its work potential, to speak its languages, and to
develop a sense of cultural continuity. And what has happened in Winona
involved an unfit administrative office known as the Winona Housing and
Redevelopment Authority, which sought to bastardize an entire community in
order to fraudulently obtain their own salaries in the form of HUD public
housing grants. Ms. Stockwell was hired as a propaganda chief here, to
manipulate the beliefs of the neighborhood, and to advise them of that the
Winona Housing and Redevelopment Authority was in a dominant position,
taking offices and programs out of the hands of neighborhood people, and
taking upon itself the right to restrict external contacts by the people who
are trained to assist in family and community development (social services).
Under a form of a City dictatorship of fraudulent accounting which the
Winona Housing and Redevelopment Authority sought to impose upon defenseless
single mothers and their children, the availability of community services
were eliminated, and replaced by the occupation authority of a military
style regime including Stockwell, Doerer, Linda Bedka the excutive
assistant, and several others. The Winona Housing and Redevelopment
Authority is functioning under the City administration which also suppressed
a Human Rights Commission proceeding against the Winona Housing and
Redevelopment Authority and its disturbed propaganda, emanating from the
occupied Winona Family Community center.
an email from the administration of the LSC grantee
From: Bob Youngerman <<mailto:***>>
To: jxxxoooppp <<mailto:***>>
Cc: Paul Mundt <<mailto:***>> ; Mike Hagedorn
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: kasten letter
As previously mentioned we have no interest in participating in the
Stockwell matter.
I do not have the time or resources to respond to or read your
communications about this issue.
----- Original Message -----
from an email of May 17 2005 to the LSC grantee
In a topical issue being considered this morning, the notation mentions
system boundaries, and the device of management by exception. These two
conceptual issues would appear to be useful to describe the evidence of
failure by Winona and Winona HRA. The concepts correlate with the complaints
of employee mismanagement, tenant abuse, and the evident moral collapse of
administration channels.
At the level of system boundaries, the inputs of the system are defined.
Those inputs naturally, result from studies which relate to the larger
system's purposes. And the logic should proceed to the acknowledgement of
missing information. The missing information case is one which requires
delicate handling, usually an approximation is substituted (the krieging
process). Otherwise the system goes on logical tilt, with the lack of
information of the boundaries. The relationship between truth and the
boundaries, is functional so far as both the input (bounds), and the design
plan coincide.
The issue of management by exception relates to the process of management
re-examination of the status of a process. The idea is to oversee the
changes and manage those changes when they are not in accordance with the
planning. In other words if some task is developed and functions
effectively, it is left alone. When the plans do not coinside with the
results of the processes, only then the processes and the boundaries have to
be examined.
An with those two ideas stated, by combining useless inputs, with the
management by exception orders based upon an administration of know-nothing
political decisions, the result is a tedious clownlike City of misguided
fools whosse knowledge of the system results from the failure to know the
way it operates..
public housing -
from an email of May 16, 2005 to the LSC grantee
May 16, 2005
att: Robert Youngerman atty., matters of public housing
Dear Bob,
This morning i took a minute briefly reading a correpondence compilation
(attachment to an email title: HRA Compilation). The choices we presented
are not limited by the bias of the City, and its defunct appointees. A
review of an issue is also subject to a possible bias. The issues seem to
show a broad requirement for high proficiency and useful administration,
because the result of current designs has been a large problem with the
oversight of funding, and an the denial of civil and human rights by use of
propaganda, and the tool of moral undervelopment. You City has raised
underdevelopment to a new level.
an email to the LSC grantee from May 14, 2005
A program (expose') to increase the awareness of the conflicting interests
involving poor, underclass people provides a description of a value system
which exists in conflict with the capablities of public housing tenants to
engage within it, or to avoid a losing in a competition with the system we
will describe.
It was becoming apparent that public housing was for practical purposes
being considered as temporary housing and transient housing. But the factors
of managing it did not allow that possibility to become a reality. The level
of fittness required of City appointees led to apointment of persons unfit
to coordinate the benefit of public housing, and other urban program
administration in the manner which would have increased the potential of the
use of public housing, within the economic and social development in the
City. Like many other welfare case programs, the resources do not seem to
reach the clientele, and the City protects the administrators who take those
misappropriate the resources of the welffare case clientele. This point
deserves evaluation, which I do not possess the material to perform.
The expose' describes a the system that is a system for allocation of
talent, money, potential occupational advancement, and available material
resources which are flowing as system inputs and outputs. The lower classes,
and any freshman candidates have not attained all the talent, or money,
which they could use to participate in a system which has been ongoing for
100 years of industry, and advances all the time. The idea of compulsory
retirement does not open positions atthe higer levels to allow changes to
occur toward the lower strata. Yet the underclass deserves resources on the
level where our aspirations can be fulfilled. The ladder's lowest rungs are
most often too high or the ladder which is extended is not offering any hope
to climb to any level above poverty. This is caused by the denials of
administration and resources in schools, public housing, and in supports for
the development of individuals, i.e., team building, associations, ethnic
groups, age peer supports, mentoring, etc. There is no personal worth issue
relating to a conflicts of such a material dimension.
Our public housing tenants should not be designated a status of poverty by
this State. I can demonstrate in the type of resource being used by other
citizens. Here you will see some organizational material about networked
workers, and 'connectivity'. The issue is, to address a need to form a group
(interest groups) and give it public resources, wither government
assistance, membership support, or charity/volunteerism. That is what our
public housing tenants aspire to do, to take part in the group which is our
society, and to avoid the peril of a fraudulently manufactured exclusivity,
and of segregation in public housing (which is illegal) and an interactive
hierarchy of policing, and stressful demands for negative responses (issues
which can not be satisfied) from tenants and the underclass.
Much of these changes have taken place throughout the country. Resources are
feeding a strange tyrannical despotism of unqualified appointees of a
belligerant City, where I reside within public housing. The legal aid
lawyers have been accepting the money from the State and portraying a life
among the lower income level clientele as if that society were our victim.
The method which can assist us all would involve working in the sphere of
'connectivity'. The outline of some potential issues as Microsoft presented
them are listed just below. The project would form around mathematical
reporting, and models of proving the relationship between issues suing the
social models used in statistics. I am a math student, and a computer
Points of Interest:
The Social Statistics and Funding Coordination within Public Housing
A Focus: To collect and share information about the types of political
organizations which influence the lives of tenants of public housing
The Materials: Development of Web connectivity and Document Libraries to
share information on public housing
Summer Activities: visiting public housing, research City planning which
affects the rejection of the citizenship status of tenants of public housing
(law). Evaluate the Equal Protection available when social laws and program
are not montored for compliance
email of May 14 2005 to the LSC grantee
May 14, 2005
This is written to increase you awareness of the conflicting interests in a
case we have requested assistance for. I mean to provide a description
herein, of a value system which exists in conflict with the capablities of
tenants to engage within it, or to avoid a losing competition with the
system we will describe.
I impy that the system is one of money, occupational advancement, and
available resources which are coming to hirees. The rest of us also deserve
resources on the level where our aspirations can be fulfilled. Our tenants
whould not be designated a status of poverty by this State. I demonstrate
the type of resource being used by other citizens. Here you see some
organizational material about networked workers, and 'connectivity'. The
issueis here, to form a group and give it resources. That is what tenants
aspire to do, is to take part in the group which is society, and to avoid
the peril of exclusivity, and of segregation and an interactive hierarchy of
policing, and demands for negative responses from tenants and the
underclass. Much of these changes have taken place throughout the country.
Appoint our resources and halt these tyrannical despotisms of unqualified
appointees of a belligerant City. The lawsuits will outnumber them
Team Web Sites (Share Point)
The help files for Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Office) describe a Share Point
Team Web Site. The GoLive software also discusses something of the kind
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You can view document libraries from a Web browser, such as Internet
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Once in a library, you can open and modify your documents from Within Office
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are shared in Share Point Team Web sites. For example you could create
library of common graphics for a project or a collection of Microsoft Word
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When you add or remove a file from a Document Library, the server updates
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In order to ensure that all documens within the library have a consistent
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programs just as you would any other template.
email to the local newspaper from April 12, 2005
would it be too much trouble to explain the accusations which were made by a
winona hra employee and investigated. how can we accomplish what you see
shown below as our mandate for the better destiny of people in this city,
unless the pettiness and self-righteous arrogance of the winona city mayor
and board members of the winona hra is accountable to those making their
legitimacy. is it now their private punch bowl for their toasts to
themselves ? im afraid that that would not seem fair to the city's people
who expect services. anyone can promise nothing to people who expect
nothing. and those who need the most are insulted by the popularity of a
nothing representation.
This is a link relating to Community Development Grants offered through HUD
This link relates the above with the overall community development plan for
the community, City. Public housing was to be consulted for inputs
This is a link referring to a Citzen Participation Plan which involves
public housing within community planning also
It looks like this passage is related to local jurisdiction, information,
community participation, etc. It is found under the link just above. The PHA
Director suggested that nothing of this sort, as to involvement between
housing tenants and programs and development goals had been developed. Such
is why the tenants are unserved, and have been insulted by the ready
triumphalist bastardardization of the City regime:!!
(g) Availability to the public. The citizen participation plan must provide
that the consolidated plan as adopted, substantial amendments, and the
performance report will be available to the public, including the
availability of materials in a form accessible to persons with disabilities,
upon request. The citizen participation plan must state how these documents
will be available to the public.
(h) Access to records. The citizen participation plan must require the
jurisdiction to provide citizens, public agencies, and other interested
parties with reasonable and timely access to information and records
relating to the jurisdiction's consolidated plan and the jurisdiction's use
of assistance under the programs covered by this part during the preceding
five years.
(i) Technical assistance. The citizen participation plan must provide for
technical assistance to groups representative of persons of low- and
moderate-income that request such assistance in developing proposals for
funding assistance under any of the programs covered by the consolidated
plan, with the level and type of assistance determined by the jurisdiction.
The assistance need not include the provision of funds to the groups.
(j) Complaints. The citizen participation plan shall describe the
jurisdiction's appropriate and practicable procedures to handle complaints
from citizens related to the consolidated plan, amendments, and performance
report. At a minimum, the citizen participation plan shall require that the
jurisdiction must provide a timely, substantive written response to every
written citizen complaint, within an established period of time (within 15
working days, where practicable, if the jurisdiction is a CDBG grant
(k) Use of citizen participation plan. The jurisdiction must follow its
citizen participation plan.
(l) Jurisdiction responsibility. The requirements for citizen participation
do not restrict the responsibility or authority of the jurisdiction for the
development and execution of its consolidated plan.
may i have the information on low and moderate income technical assistance,
the outcomes reports, citizen participation evaluation and plan, time frame
and affirmation of the issue for the first time
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number
[60 FR 1896, Jan. 5, 1995; 60 FR 10427, Feb. 24, 1995]
A letter to HUD reporting malfeasance in HUD facilities
March 10, Winona, Minnesota
Winona HRA
Public Housing Real Estate Assessment
Tenants Report
Author: John xxxoooppp approved
Dear HUD,
We are in a dilemma in Winona Public Housing. The diversity among the local
political base affects and is reflected within the policy of indifference
toward affirmative supports needed by the underclass. The appointees of the
City Of Winona fall far below the necessary intentions and purposes needed
to support the reintegration of an underclass. The point being that if
rehabilitation is not the point of housing and developing community PHA
plans, what is the purpose of these appointments by this City?
I am writing to enlist the aid of HUD in the matter of reforming the
delivery of social services supports. We see that the City has changed the
Winona Family Center into an office building. The budget for supports and
programs is never evaluated, nor are updated client reports filed. The
integration of technlogy to gather news of any local service offerings is
denied. The tenants are in fear of the employees of the PHA who seat
themselves in the center of the housing development as if they were the soul
of this community. There is a good deal of work needed to orchestrate the
delivery of vital information and services to people passing by, or
transient working people which should be available to them after only a week
or so. The City has not bothered to introduce the well thought, social
humanism of tenants of the public housing areas. The City appointees prefer
to stay silent when a minor issue of little importance is publiched widely,
and slanted to devalue the city public housing residents. Living in city
public housing is a punishment in this City.
The terminology used for such a punishment is the "interactive hierarchy".
The challenge to the status of people who come in contact with the
"assignments of identity" given to them. Of course, what we are saying is,
the City is not to grade or assign any one of us. As they proceed we do see
ourselves proceeding on any number of legal perspectives and community
designs for the future. The City must appoint qualified sociologist and
urban specialist types, to the adminstration of helpful planning regimes.
The question of how effective a concentration camp the little City will
design around myself, and the many children and single mothers within public
housing is being addressed by students, and tenants. We only ask HUD to
prohibit its agent and support for the license to confine, limit, assign
stereotypes, and occupy space where they are unsuitable. We demand a new
Mayor and appointees who have a regional and multi-generational perspective
to offer to local families. The systems which support a mankind with status
require many reorganizations, studied evaluations, additions and
refinements, and opportunities to exploration and to make agreement with
other such systems of life and human aspiration. This little man who wants
to show how badly he can treat the underclass is not your best effort, I
would point out to the HUD Real Estate Assessment Office. The community
Center is needed for the work and guidance of the local people. A web
communication among the tenants would be of value. The enhancement of
educational offerings through peer and family settings is essential. The
reconsideration of the City admnistration and the methods it has attempted
to impose upon weaker women, and children and senior citizens is a
necessity. This City has hired several people who have been instructed
that tenants were of poor character, because that is the City of Winona. It
is a sickly dysfunctional bastardized City with a megolomaniac child as the
publisher of its daily news communique.
We attach a copy of the complaint to the city Human Rights Commission on
behalf of Winona HRA tenants. Also attached are correspondence about the
manner of civil rights mistreatment being carried on against the Winona HRA
tenants. We are named in the U.S. Constiution.
John xxxoooppp - PA 184590
2888 W. Broadway #C
Winona, Minnesota 55987
A Complaint to the City Human Rights Commision was silenced
For Use Of Winona Human Rights Commission
The institution of local government within itself is an intellectual
exercise, but failing that it is a predator and a practice of intellectual
prostitution and a determination for the imprisonment of liberal men. And
the definition of a State can not conform to the intellectual prostitution
of City employees, so the State emboldens liberal men to adopt standards of
the wider region for purposes of commerce, communication, and the general
spreading of better influences. Under the liberal regimes of commerce,
intellectualism, and Statism itself the obligation of institutions of
business, and of free government is to be aligned with the liberal spirits
of the modern times. The era of a deep local economy, of local dictatorial
power, of oppressed servile levels of social strata is gone. They do not
exist, any more than does ultimate power. To not acknowledge our citizens,
as vital members of a developing citizenry is delusional. As this is a
matter of design, not some question of local opinion, nor a question about
what has to be done, it does not matter what institutional facilities of our
City may have layed the pursuit of intellectual prostitution to heart. Our
people will not be conformed to that delusional device by force, or guile.
So the City should hear this complaint in its City Hall, at the forum for
Human Rights which is granted to its people, and design a remedy which
conforms to free thought, liberal civil rights, and progress. Failing that
remedy, this City will have imposed an oppressive and corrupt fraud upon the
State, and upon all its citizens, by compromise with what is complained of.
This complaint discusses how, when, and why the remedy must become present.
The idea that oppression is part of a locally legalized corruption is damned
There is herein, a matter of a complaint about the quality of services and
rights of participants in regard to a rightful participation of City
residents within City wide social services programs. We write a complaint
to an institution of the City, City Hall and the Winona Human Rights
Commission, which conceivably serves modern people, and which acknowledges
the rights of citizens to take the institutions to themselves for purpose of
the function of the City. We have a complaint to express about the
condition of the administration of publc housing within this City. The
historical relationship which carries a mandate for these social assistance
programs is based on a cause involving a wish for well-being and social
coverage, rather than alienation. The cause is to be related to a social
services program function which is not being carried out. The levels of
social recreation, and social stimulation are in fact being degraded in
respect to the intended purposes. Apparently something similar is taking
place in the Winona Senior Friendship Center, also.
The Winona Family Community Community is not developing the mentioned
mission. Yet, as we know the modern Federal budgets provide for investment
in all people to increase their full participation value in society which
equates to their enforceable rights. The residents to be served in several
facilities have complained for years about a lack of adequate protection for
their rights, as the clientele, to participate and benefit. On these
issues, tenants of public housing such as myself, have been attempting to
file charges of human rights abuse and denial of public services. The
citizens have brought attention to their mistreatment in the programs of the
Winona Senior Friendship Center. The people are similar in their needs and
often they are the same persons. We demand a reconsideration of the quality
of staffing.
The most grievous offense has been a distribution of a newsletter which
communicates the idea that public housing is a form of charity institution.
These communications are an offense to the modern mind, and would not be
acceptable to the Federal government system under the circumstances. The
communications are unsupervised and disturbed, and seem to have a
self-righeous and petty tone. They are devisive, and selfish in tone to
communicate a suggested statist power, yet also belligerant and mentally
abusive. The scope of this abuse would be defined by the expression of
these communications, which appear to be tenant newsletters, yet the tone
and symbols are not local, but sometimes patriotic, boastful, and expressing
concerns to a submissive tenant population which is the audience for all
this, which is rightfully being called intellectual prostitution, if not
indoctrination and occcultism.
Generally, the facilities being supported for the development of social
programs have been debased under the eyes of the local City officials. We
also demand to participate in the final evaluations of the performance of
the social programs and the facilities at these institutions (City). The
Winona Human Rights Commission and the Commissioner, Diana Miller have not
been considerate. Ms. Diana Miller, Commissioner informed me she would not
work on this issue. Moreover the submittal of this complaint seems to be a
very haphazard procedure in itself. And the combination of all we've
mentioned substantiates that more attention to community wellness and human
rights is in demand.
These suggestions that beneficent administrative processes involve
communications including references to power, symbols of power, the demands
of power, and form a condition to permissions granted to tenants, by
insinuation, and much of this mentioned communication favors the City, not
the tenants. And its imposition of our interests is exemplary of some
tyranny of a slave plantation, as it appears in the communication between
the City public housing administration and the tenants. The published
delusions are a stark contrast with what we have for modern communications
and administrative tools, the acceptability of tyrants is not an idea for a
tenant newsletter. As a tenant I would submit this article for tenants to
consider, but the themes of petty righteousness, of dictatorial structure,
of social limitations, we can not grant merit to that communication, for any
A violation of civil rights to fairness under law, and the abuse of tenants
is what we complain of when we name the public housing authority newsletter
which operates expressly excluding tenants. The idea of civil control is a
major issue in City government, and the violation of tenants joint property,
of permissions to be granted, and of their right to express opinion freely
should be considered properly, and we present a claim of abuse. The
clientele has a role to play in the management and coordination of the The
Winona Family Community Center and the Senior Friendship Center which are
two non-functioning facilities by their definitions of mission. I believe
that their missions would involve the elevation of a disadvantaged or
handicapped group within, which society means to support. The Hiawatha
Valley Mental Health Services facilities would also seem to have failed to
provide some broadly considered community wellness services to the aged and
disabled. We want more to say, and we need to be free to say what we are
interested in doing and in contributing, among ourselves. Those
communications we reject, are an offense to our community, and create a
illegal prohibition of civil rights activism, educational outreach,
political education, cultural exchange, economic development and overall
enrichment of the people applying for programs and funding in this City,
We complain that the administration of public housing has not performed
admirably and some features of that administration have become too radically
oppressive, and represent a demoralized fraud of an administration which is
not permissible. The imposition of measures to develop a deviant method for
the manipulation of tenants of public housing has been undertaken in City
public housing adminstrative offices, which are unaccessable. Moreover, the
community room facilities are closed to tenants in respect to a public
housing development on Pelzer and West Broadway. The complete denial of
many necessary services is found to be the policy being imposed. We tenants
can provide our own means to become aware of issues, especially using a
group computer. And tenants can also take personal initiatives with a
computer beyond what a newsletter can deliver. Many public housing web
sites are available, but tenants and the City public housing can easily
develop programs which support modern facilities designs. The concern is
that the facilities are unavailable to public housing tenants as an
illigitimate form of punishment. Many of the references in the
communications also suggest social deprivation, instead of approved remedies
to the ills of societies people. Most of the administrative work of City
public housing can be improved if the involvement of change and
reorganization were undertaken. It was the case that some renovations had
been undertaken over the last 4 or 5 years, the renovations have been
There is more than a corporate communications issue, although corporate
communication is a part of a fabric of control. The influence the
communication has is related to what level the communiction is distributed
within. Just for arguments sake, someone gets a memo that informs them that
all the decisions are made elsewhere by others, or it says your optional
participation was not given its due regard, and you are getting a note after
the fact about our power to do that against your wishes. .. The pattern in
a distribution of communications may itself indicates an abusive disrespect
of other people, or a challenge to the other members of a group... I see
the Winona HRA's newsletter as having presented elements of military
symbols, of strident power against helpless and aged people, of neglect of
tenant's needs and rights, and of corruption by manipulating a social reform
institution. I do not want to confront the failed administration nor their
issues which revolve atound intimidation using corporate communication
technique, and disrupting the legitimate speech and of the people.
A social group is like many other statistical studies, the "expectation" is
in the numbers. The HRA corporate communication seems to draw a picture of a
false assessment about the lesser value of these people.. It suggests that
they are a needy class.. In fact the disruption of their personal wellness
and aspirations for a better future is being threatned, as the tenants
mention above. The Community Center is not functioning and the tenants are
being given a position in lowest estimations by the City using neglect by
comunications. The funds wasted on such administration will otherwise be
useful to find other grants for the poor, to develop the idea of a
corporation for tenants which improves the work by tenants on the internet,
and gives tenants information. Opportunity is known to be found in
organizations, cooperating to maintain a cycle of increasing effectiveness.
There is some manufactured HRA illusion of group activity, but there is no
group activity. A social theory about a group has little to be desired,
where there is no group. The fundamental community development operation
involving public housing a tyrannical form of communication, and the
organization of an apartheid community in respect to administration,
technology, grants, politics, programs and the complete design for community
development under HUD program applications supporting it. The same is
apparently taking place in and on behalf of the Winona Senior Friendship
Center. There were ranks of traumatized senior citizens protesting their
abuse and mistreatment. They were hardly able to consider all the acts of
perpetuated abuse and violence against their spirits.
On a micro level, there is no study involving the families here which will
convert to the concern about society. There is no secretary here, which has
been paid to study society. The questions raised here involving small
children, and those involving aged widows may not always be related. The
funding for public housing is not relating them to each other yet the
appearance is being communicated in all housing projects. Their actual
relations to administrative specifics, to a bank, along with businesses, and
social professionals is undisclosed. Those connections about the funding
are to be communicated. There is an expressed predatory tone in these
facilities and programs which is not acceptable to our society.
An organ of communication, would explain the integration of people and their
part in society as an institution. It can explain change which occurs at a
different pace for various places as others catch up. It considers factors
of how things are being effected by institutions and the people of the
institution cooperating. A housing development provides some hotel related
features, it is a complex of apartments. It is not at the moment very
managed where the change of institutions and those reflections in are seen
in any local avenue of society. We have no socialologists, no
statisticians, no historians, no records involving the society or its
management features. We are tenants, if we overcome this trend to neglect
and admonish us, and all the perverse treatment society affords to the poor,
or explain that, we can tell others. That would be a valid use for a
newsletter. There is no group of society which is supported in public
housing as such. They as individuals, may obtain some food, or some labor,
they do not function as a unit. They do not want perverse corrupt imposed
deviant intrusive mentions of their community as if it were the truly the
case. Such a power to create the power of which there is no equal in a
world of manipulated people, is not being offered in the public housing
The issue of a media commuication is "perspective" and the dimension of
current perspective of change. The public housing looks to be a social
proposition, it is not managed as an economic proposition. Many persons are
not engaged in the economy, such as the elderly, the disabled, children. .
Too much is heard about social economic concerns and nothing is done about
them in the population of the poor. There are no conferences, no
infrastructure, no organ of communication, no technology. The fact that
someone rents a bathtub does not become a paramount social economic
perspective, drawn by tenants of public housing. This letter is more of the
perspective. That change is coming and many of the people will be involved,
some moreso, and some institutions will change along with them. As a social
question, the issue is how many will resist and what design will their
resistance to change take. Will resistance form a tormentation, like the
doctor who distributes mortality statistics? It has become a moral good to
recognize that moderate improvement confirms a valuable design for society.
People seem to approach some consensus that a middle income lifestyle is
suitable to most, and there is little which affirms a social perpective
approving slavery, abuse and exploitation of the poorest. That is a
valuable perspective taken from the society, and beyond the management of a
population as a whole there is nothing which distinguishes a poor class from
a middle class. There are relevant issues of wellness, education and the
rest spread to all extents of society. And change spreads to the places
where change is to be expeected to maintain the affirmations and beliefs of
society. It can be expected to occur. We of public housing areas expect
affirmed changes to occur. Must we demonize the institution of public
housing which is being presented as a moral good before society. Must we
study its managers and its ideology, on behalf of society. Well that is how
it is being addressed, apparently. We will create the approval which merits
public housing tenants, and address any issue suggesting mistreatment or obj
ectification. The public housing management has at times addressed tenants
as "apartments". We can suggest a designation to replace the "apartment"
attribute. There is not a real issue of conformity, and there is no place
for conformity in public housing. There is no state or government of the
people here, there are a few tyrants asking for the attention of society. A
performance of social activity in the economy is desirable, but it is an
individual pursuit not involved with conformance for the sake of
conformance. And the there are tenants who are being made afraid of the
power which tyrants can accumulate. But society has not been tolerant of
tyrants, and that society will assist us tenants. We tenants of public
housing appeal to the City Human rights Commission. Society as we see it,
will move through the levels of appeals, and through the avenues for
producing an affect which affirms a social good. There is a lobbby for us,
and there are offices dedicated to our services. We are not in debt on
these issues, but to the contrary we are far ahead of the local tyranny..
Tenants across the nation have heard it all before.. The front guard, the
rear guard, the operations of the society have all been developed with a
majority approval. The tyrant is already surrounded. The issue is what
will the City human Rights Office say to it.. I don't need to learn about
management of public housing, I have a free lawyer and a social worker
incorporated in the design. A more major issue is, where are they?
The Winona Human Rights Commission meeting is scheduled for October 14th,
2004, at 7:00 pm or thereabouts. We have to begin putting these wrongs to
right. The administrative procedures and meetings should be communicated as
a corporate communication which affirms the values of the society and the
value of rights and the protection of individual rights as they are
affected. You have this request to be heard for the purposes of a
complaint. We are still unaware of who participates in a Winona Human Right
s Commission. How they have performed is related to the apparent quality of
life, for thosands of people and their families. Still it ramains, we are
in need of a remedy for the issues of mistreatment, and denial of a right to
have benefit delivered to us. We can present all the further details to the
Winona Human Rights Commission and the enforcement body for civil rights on
schedule at a hearing, or in the required manner. We need to demand
delivery of effective service adequate to the needs of a clientele for
social programs. We need to reverse the damage which has been done, by the
actions of the City and its institutions, which constitute defamation,
intimidation, prejudice, mismanagement, and denial of human rights.
To perhaps complete a portion of this statement of complaint, we make known
that parents need a fair chance to develop their interests, and their
children will also benefit. It is not a good idea to communicate a sense of
helplessness, and a need for a tyrant. On several occasions a social worker
has been contacted on this, and that will continue to be the case. As this
complaint proceeds to a remedy, an organizational appraisal seems to be
needed and is being requested at higher levels of public housing. The lack
of effective community social workers to meet the need is evident. The
issue of human rights is not some form of government, rights are the reason,
for government after the fact. If some other type of government is
required, a City may explain that to Federal administrators without
objections. But in these times, the system of government can also be turned
inside out by using illigitimate claims about what comes first, the voters
or the voted, but that dependency is a corruption issue, not a debate on the
shape of society. There are likely 10 million poor people dispersed in
public housing, for the poor within a society of 220 million citizens, and
their number is 500 times the size of a local City. Our complaint asks a
remedy that demonstrates the City has been giving a fair respect, for the
civil rights of those of us using City public housing. The City public
housing administration seems to take pride in a form of torment, of neglect,
and intellectual dementia. This human rights commission is a place to
resolve the issue, and it is late to get started. The Federal
administration should grant or approve the remedy, along with an open public
housing commission which is absent in the appeal for social work and social
protection where the poor people have unique needs, often due to such abuse,
and neglect as we find imposed on them often. The City has taken upon
itself to build public housing, but civil rights abuses are not to be
affirmed in the City, for reasons such as control, which may have better
remedies, and which require much reading, and modern alliances in the
business and government spheres. Preferably, the City administration will
not authorize any conduit for intolerance, pretense, and threats by
newsletter. Even a good newsletter could not be a general media which would
have a certain effect. Opening facilities to tenants, where they can talk
with each other is more effective. Staffing of the public housing authority
seems to be available by appointment, as well. And although this complaint
refers to poor people these people are not a class, some are just children,
some are retired. My interests do not coincide very much with either of
those groups, or a number of other ideas which may circulate in the City.
At any rate, the person(s) writing newsletters which tenants receive do not
meet my standards for grace and politeness. Many people object to being
confrontated and to a manipulation of their neighbors with some design to
divide and conquer with a political issue. Tenants hope for a remedy to
their political, and social concerns. We are living beyond a time of
despair, of conformity and ignorance, that is not the question. Society
acts as a whole, and it frightens those persons who fear the outcome may not
be a certainty. But many perceptions are wrong, and much is in fact certain
when a dedication is paid to some aspects of a technique, which is used to
approach understanding. We tenants do not require any certainty from
uncertain administrators masked in costumes of power. We have our own
certainty, even more certain. The attention to our human right as we live
in public housing should be reevaluated on the several levels which are
mentioned. A better staff, and a pronounced respect for tenants are needed,
and in demand. Much of the management needed for tenant cooperative
programs is unavailable. Many issues of need would be resolved with the
access to better faciltities which seem to have been dominated by the City
public housing administrators themselves. The City built a Community
Center, yet housing offices take up the space, there is no Community Center
for the purpose. Only a sign on a wall, and some person(s) who seek to
drive tenants to conform in ignorance. The tenants do not all intend to
conform in ignorance, but some may do that. Please consider, the options
may be too limited, and the manipulation of any tenants and their
information sources should be given a reconsideration. The newsletter
tenants have received takes the form of hate speech, and torment of the
poor. It violates the conditions needed for just society. We all need to
consider a society among equals to be important, under our Federal
constitution, as well as for many beneficials reasons relating to
opportunity to pursue or to establish long term wealth and opportunity.
Economics may change in an area, yet the right of all people to have a stake
in the future should not be a subject for any public officer's objections.
The objection quota should be rationed, and that quota is already too high
where the administration of City public housing is being contrived. Tenants
do not necessarily want to listen to any wide latitude objections. Does the
City want more than its share of complaints, so why are there so few social
workers available to poor people in public housing? Does any citizen of the
City matter so much? Not many tenants of City public housing deserve the
benefits of propaganda, so no thank you City, no. Yet while the ideology is
firm, patriotism, power and authority is right, people should complain if
they notice anyone suspicious, the little information which is incidental is
not on a timely basis. Next year the information about a policy issue for
public housing which they send me this week, is not readily available as it
should be. It all looks pretty suspicious to many tenants, and no thanks.
If someone litters, put up a sign. Why publish newsletters about it, is
this "meet the press" or what? The present staff you have in City public
housing is not conscious. They are possesed by hate, rage, revenge, and
pettiness, generally. So please enjoy them yourselves, City. You have our
issue for your application.
j xxxoooppp
winona minnesota
email to Robert Youngerman 3/19/2005
A Reference about HUD requirements including, PHA Plans, and Resident
Advisory Councils
A Reference to information on Tenant-Based Assistance
There is an text-file attachment containing excerpts from a few HUD
documents. It has become apparent that a main stop-gap which prevents PHA'a
from destroying their tenants through segregation, political ostracism,
stimulation of hatred, and mental abuse which induces their self-hatred,
would be the resident council, or local political power. I am still
searching for any references in HUD agenda with relative association to PHA
Community Program Centers , Community Rooms, Mutual Supports, etc.
It would seem initially as though a PHA Plan is subject to a Resident
Advisory Board, and the competence of the Resident Advisory Board may be
questioned, along with the PHA Plan itself. I see as a tenant, noted
elements of a use of the public housing for purposes which are marked by
discrimination. I certainly do not notice a competent Resident Advisory
Board which has communicated well and obtained beneficial supports for
tenants. This PHA has overwhelmed and oppressed these tenants for purposes
of a systematic abuse of their civil rights. Tenants require tools to prove
their value and to overcome the burdens of being placed at some level of
need due to their inexperience with hate based politics, with their levels
of education and or age, or disability, etc.
I hope that these notes serve as useful, but assistance of legal counsel is
considered central in many respects for encounters with abusive political
public housing tenant john xxxoooppp
email to Robert Youngerman from 3/11/2005
the import of your request of 10th March on issues of a PHA meeting with
tenants is the topic now, as i reply herein. the entire operation of a PHA
should involve some basic assumptions. A PHA is not the means by which
housing is provided, it is an arm of some political inspiration and a
bureaucracy. The issue of what the PHA means is found by referring to the
results of the work or harm which it causes. The world is not some empty
vessel where PHA's just flow freely. We tenants have culture, aspirations,
the rights of property, civil rights, association rights, and a right not to
be harrassed by a PHA. The case is stated in an attachment to the email
which we sent you yesterday. If the PHA is in the mode of preventing, or
causing anything to happen it should be subject to the open meeting law. The
PHA has not been productive as the students are not being served, the elders
are not being served, the disabled are not being served, the business
community is not being served. Tenants would prefer a PHA which serves all
the tenants, or allows the tenants to make arrangements. We tenants will
require offices, staff, and equipment. As for the presence of the
appointees, which the City has selected, it is a matter of their intention
to serve tenants as we demand to be served by public servants. A response to
any action of the PHA is proper and formally acceptable, and we expect your
office to assist the development of the potential of the human assets of the
local neighborhood. Tenants may be in favor of charity offerings, volunteer
programs, services for support of rehabilitation, or human development, in
various numbers. The association among the people either accepts the
governance being imposed or it does not. If they are accepting it, what are
they giving away the right to? Some tenants and community activists are not
in favor of oppressive limitations imposed on behalf of you, they, or anyone
else. Some of these questions remain to be sorted out, because there is a
lack of communication and cooperation to oversee these issues and the PHA,
as to results, or mistakes.
This is another section about politicians evolving from lawyers, wherein
these lawyers are not performing as lawyers, but want power to hold their
ineffectiveness true..
The LSC grantee indicates this is the politics which is somehow in sway, yet
this would be after the fact of a decade of humiliation, intimidation,
teraumatic interference, being used as public media scapegoats, being used
as the example to threaten lower end corporate management, both private and
public tiers, etc. And the issue of lacking management qualifications
builds toward the simplification of the problem. Certainly, if there is
only one citizen the public sector can take most of the weeks off, declaring
the problem solved. Dividing the number of citizens into classes which are
not in need of attention, and those which do not deserve satisfisfaction
would seem to find the convenient result just suggested. Make life easy
enough for anyone who can vote you into political office, regardless of the
outcomes, while making life as difficult as possible for those who will not
be easuly satisfied or will not be dismissed as unworthy, and your office is
as long in its reign as, deep with ineptness. These are the conditions
being supplied by the LSC grantee who defines politics just as if an LSC
grantee were an umpire mocking the team with fewer points, chanting "loser,
you are a loser". I am quite convinced that the children being raised
within the milieu of disenfranchisement, and segregation within a city of
ill repute founded in a desparate landscape of ice and snow by know nothings
and refugges from sweden and norway, suppoted by the fraudulent applications
for grants as that which the LSC paid its grantee, are hearing the mockery
being chanted by the LSC and the city officers. A reply to the organization
which the LSC grantee confirms and upholds should come by way of some
organization which has the warrant to perform the task. A man once said,
that it makes sense to discuss your problems with someone that might assist,
rather than with someone who can not assist you. And I would suggest that
concentration campos and gach chambers were used rather extensively by the
blonde races which I find prancing around town like the retarded who have
from the matron at the asylum home for the, morally challenged.
I am clearly stating that incompetence, leads to the need for office, and it
leads to power being used to keep the public office. The appointments made
by the city/state with regard to upkeep and modernization of supports alway
maintain their personal righteous indignation, and decrepitude, and it is
persued with absolute tyranny, and terror in the form of public
administration and control of access to institutional reform, and to the
likeliness that satisfaction of political intereests will be in contrast to
what is used against a deliberately abused underclass.
Our issue is not, however related to what determines the bounds of having
power, I write to be represented on a statement about, what it is "not
having" a means to control one's fate. That is the question which relates
to being "a person" as opposed to being "an apartment", or a thing, in the
city. The extant I can show that establishment of a lie, and the reign of
pretense and, of petty personhood which I find here in opposition to my
personhood is more difficult, than showing the betterment which the polar
opposite provides; this is not the problem I find, nor would I engage the
LSC office within it. Yet, in all the modern age since the automobile and
the centralization of large production sites, there has been an issue with
the education and assimilation of the working class into the population of
cities which had been considered to be a higher level of life, as compared
to the rural drudgery of farming work. The dwellers of cities were opposed
universally, to education, social class climbers, new money, and things
related to a sense of petty privilege that the established upper class had.
The local LSC grantee has taken for its mandate, the protection of privilege
from the right to be granted civil rights. The establishment of a failed
village known as the "public housing" in this city is the first example of a
scheme which produces social hardship, by design. The formation of a double
standard within a medical assessment regime, which is a complete package of
dehumanization is the LSC grantees most profound contribution in my view.
And the support base which produces support of an ideology that believes
dehumanization is part of the ways of these germanic sewage drinking
imbeciles who feed on the media from the racist city institutions, is the
issue for me.
As for the complaint I make, it is a complaint about the LSC grantee finding
that his employment depends upon the local city, and the state with its
convenient methods to shun the civil rights of LSC clients such as myself.
And as long as the "public housing" is maintained for the purpose of a
demonstration of how illigitimate and petty dogma, in the form of
pretentious powers will bastardize the civil rights of a working class who
is conveniently starved and disenfranchised, I will have a plaintiff's
standing under the color of law.
Is it difficult for the LSC to grant the right to legal oversight of the
quality of dental care so that a medicaid recipient is not confronted with
shoddy dental prothetics that fall out? Is the oversight of children
limited to their potential as a threat rather than with respect to a
potential to assist in a betterment of this city, beyond this state of
defamatory bastardization which maintains us here in the confines of the
state? Is it too much to oversee the programmatic access to theatres,
arenas, community activities and uplifting supports are made known to
"public housing" populations as it is prescribed within the HUD code USC 24?
Can the community rooms be connected to a computer with some useful planning
suggestions, so that underprivileged people might not have expend their
small amounts of resources seeking simple anwswer to simple question? Can
the regions of the area be mapped out so that the local city becomes one of
several options for recreation, and perhaps employment or relocation
options? Can the upgrade and modernization of education technology be
planned with consideration of underprivilege and perform the goal of useful
distribution of resources? Can we consider the elements of politics as they
are in reality, rather than with the privilege of civil rights abuse in
Why do I meet a governor in the dentist's office, when he has not been
qualified to license a treatment? Why are my neighbors incited to violence,
and abused by trauma by their landlord, the city? Why are the city records
of abuses secret, and the abuses brought to the city human rights commission
being thwarted?
Why is there no tenant organization which has ever contacted me? Surely
what is being suggested as a tenant organization is a fraud.. It is
extremely necessary that the commmunity have management which is functional,
and presents plans and options for the community's people. What has been
achieved, in the "public housing" would be that the rent is collected, and
the tenants are ignored, and the social difficulties in the community
increase, and the issues become a focus for hate-based intolerance for
people who are branded as "outsiders". Seemingly the brand of the city
justifies any level of dehumanization, to the point where there is no more
problem to contend with. The issue is clear in the point that the person
who hears the cases against the "public housing" is the director of the
"public housing". hE was recently branded as a racist by one of the
employees and they agreed between them that if she would not accuse him,
then she would be reinstated, from a wrongful dismissal that was alleged.
Yet the fact is that no issue relevant to the hopes of these people,
including myself, and their wellness is ever raised. That employee alleged
abuse of administrative power, as well. Yet the community facility remains
closed. The social wellness is manufactured on their applications for
funding which arrives for benefit of myself, whereas I am not a part of it.
The director rents the community center to himself where he hides from
criticism, and extracts frunds from causes which could improve the economic
development, and better the lives of people who are without organizations
which could support their aspirations, their welness, and carry them from
one generation to the next.
It might be interesting to consider that life without mobility, compares
harshly to a life where one can take a holiday. A regional approach to peer
groupings, aspirations, options or purpose or experiment, is starkly
contrasted with the dysfunctional management that wants to be its own judge,
and bears no burden of responsibility, although allegations of misconduct
and malfeasance are being made against his office within "public housing".
And the system which places him there, is coordinating the malfeasance and
the failing approaches which offend numbers of people.
My Report on Radlow's Book: Computer Age Society
The general issues about information, and the typical inputs and the end
results determined by information, are the subject of most lower level
college classes in the Computer Science Department.
Corporations which produce off the shelf software, for the managers of large
institutions, and for the personal hobbyist, have become adept at offering
products that increase the powers of persons, and institutions greatly. The
book by Radlow introduces the ramifications of the Age of Computers.
Computers And The Information Society by James Radlow, 1986 publication of a
professor of Univ. Of New Hampshire includes table of contents with the
below list of items of interest as written about in his book contents:
Chapter 1
The Computer Age:
Early in the Computer Age the computer was inconspicuous. We knew that there
was a computer somewhere that did some tasks such as to predict election
outcomes, and to launch guided missiles, and it controlled spaceflights, and
sent bank statements and calculated our mortgage payments. Computers were
known for their role in air-traffic control, and airline reservation
systems, and for schedules of courses at universities.
But now we are in the midst of a computer revolution that is here to stay.
We'd better get ready for it. We live in the Computer Age. The computer is
reshaping the world within which we live. It is more involved in the texture
of or lives than any other dominant technology ever was. The Iron Age, the
Bronze Age, the Industrial Age -none of them reached out and touched all
individual lives, as the Computer Age does and will continue to to do.
Some uses
The doctor's assistant
The Fourth R: retooling education
Routine and nonroutine jobs
Models of intelligence
The Doctor's Assistant -medical databases of research articles have offered
doctors the wealth of medical information on the personal computer. MEDLINE
is one such database of medical articles. MEDLINE contains articles from
over three thousand international medical journals, published in the United
States and in seventy other countries. A database is a computerized library.
Computers can be used to display information to patients
which would pertain to their spccific need, and the computer is used to keep
records about his patient's medical history.
Medical research can be performed much more efficiently
now that computers can accumulate the data from many researchers,
statisticians, and allows networking among researchers to be achieved. The
computer is one of many medical devices which medical
instituitions can use to help them to save lives and to improve overall
health of the population.
The Fourth R: retooling education -With the coming of the inexpensive
microcomputer the trend is to independently program computers for uses of
mass education systems from grade school, and up. The microcomputer is well
adapted to the sort of drill work that is an indispensable part of
traditional education. The programaming of the computer for spelling,
vocabulary, or arithmetic allows the computer to be a tutor for every
student. It will point out mistakes and repeat the drill, or it will go on
to the next question if the correct answers are given.
Lessons on the computer can proceed and the children
learn to program the computer, and to work with light, color and
animation; learn mathematics and science; and importantly, learn to build
emotional and intellectual self-reliance.
Computers are very effective to simulate the laboratory,
by providing the intermediary results of calculations quickly, and allowing
the instructors to focus upon theory. The computer
can also speed up the experiment using a simulation to substitute for
laboratory work which would require more than an
hour of classroom time.
The typical name of an instructional program is CAI,
Computer-Assisted-Instruction network. PLATO is one early implementation of
such a network. PLATO has programs designed for all students and levels.
In a well run school with creative educational aims, the
computer can function as a teaching assistant. It can free the teacher to do
what teachers are supposed to do -interact with students in the learning
process, help them discover the world, help them stretch their
Routine and nonroutine jobs -all businesses involve a tremendous amount of
office work, much of it is dull and repetitive. A contract for services
might involve many tasks to be billed for, and varying amounts of time being
billed to each task, sometimes the time is billed depending upon the task
being performed.
The computer makes administrative and clerical chores of an office much less
burdensome. Various datbases of articles which are specific for some
professions, also automate their research just as MEDLINE does for medicine.
There are software programs which keep track of the calendar and schedule
the necessary tasks.
Word-processing is another very effective use of the computer. It is one of
the most appreciated functions of the modern microcomputer. Secretaries,
newspaper reporters, scholars, novelists, and free lance writers make use of
the capabilities of the wordprocessor. Revision of reports is easy,
paragraphs can be inserted, deleted and moved to a different part of the
document. The computer can check the spelling and print the docment using a
document printing subsystem.
Word processors are very useful with form letters and long documents which
include repeated portions. Given a list of addresses along with merging
instructions, the computer can be used to print out personalized letters
without requiring staff attention.
Business programs -most businesses employ clerks. Small and large offices of
banks, insurance companies, travel agencies, and other companies employ
clerks. Yet, one man or woman, armed with a microcomputer and a multifaceted
accounting program, can maintain customer, employee, and vendor files, keep
individual financial records for a hundred different departments of a
company, handle general ledger operations, receivables and payables, for
tens of thousands of accounts, and do much else as well. see pg. 9 Radlow.
Cross-checking of customer, employee, vendor, or departmental or divisional
accounts against each other, becomes possible because the computer simply
works much faster, and with complete accuracy, better than any clerk working
on the same business work detail. This would lead to consideration of
What-if scenarios by using the spreadsheet program.
Business Graphics programs -enliven and illuminate business reports with bar
charts, line graphs, three dimensional graphs, and pie charts. It is easy to
print these graphs and charts in black and white or in color. In the past,
the same work would have required the cooperation of illustrators,
accountants, and statisticians. This was expensive for smaller companys, but
now they are able to participate in such higher level management work.
Our society increasingly has to handle problems of information and the
processing of information -gathering it, organizing it, filing it,
communicating it. The amont of information is overwhelming, the processing
is tedious work, and the time is costly. In such a framework in society the
microcomputer becomes indispensible. The business functions such as detailed
book keeping,, scientific accounting, drawing of charts and graphs, making
financial projections, and communicating written information over the
telephone have progressed since the 1970's when the business computer IBM
was first introduced.
The early pioneering companies were Apple, Atari, Commodore, IBM,
Tandy/Radio Shack, and Zenith. Small businesses, home budgeters, and modest
savers and investors can now take advantage of the most advanced business
Science and technology -large computrers can do millions of engineering
calculations per second, and process the results of thousands of experiments
in the physics laboratory, and represenmt a crucial tool. The compter's
calculating power can also be converted to information maniplating power and
graphics manipulating power.. The computer when used for science is not only
a number cruncher, but useful for the capability of the technique of
Simulation uses the computer's graphics and numerical powers to construct
model objects and model worlds. The computer can be programmed to calculate
the effects a range of conditions nder various influences and then 3333
describe the expected effects of certain influences. This is simulation.
Simulation is usefl for weather prediction and for earthquake prediction -
although some long range predictions are not quite accurate yet.
Byt using a computer to construct and stdy large-scale "what-if" scenarios
called model worlds, scientists hope to be able to solve problems before
they overwhelm us. the economist, social scientist, the city planner are
among those who benefit from compter simulation and the time saved by using
the microcomputer's power to construct model worlds. If the computer does
the boring jobs, the time consuming jobs, then people are free to do those
things that only informed intelligence or the informed imagination can do.
Models of intelligence -Thus far the issues in this chapter have been
related to problems that have clearly defined limits along with a supply of
information, or data, that is sufficient to find the solution. But there are
problems for which there are no defined limits, and the available supply of
data would also be incomplete. Another possibility wold be problems which
human beings must attempt to solve by trial and error, by learning from
their own mistakes. Then there are problems which have more to do with the
interpretation of data received through the five senses.
The human brain is a marvelous information processing machine. The brain
deals with many problems needing solving, all of the time. The very
invention of the computer is a testament to the human mind, as a problem
solver, and the recognition of the existence of a certain type of problem.
Another issue for computer scientists is the issue of solving
interpretative, and trial-and-error problems by using a computer. The result
will be industrial robots, heat-seeking missiles, computer models in
medicine and in other fields, and prosthetic devices, i.e., hearing aids,
and artificial limbs, and pace-makers). These exist as models of
human-intelligence, yet each needs improvement in one or more of its
Robotics is a field of study, in which the computer receives and interprets
sensory data. Robots are taught to analyze an operating environment, or to
recognize patterns. A robot would need to avoid making an indication that a
flock of geese is actually a missile in the air approaching with ordinance.
A computer might guide a robot through an office for mail delivery, or on
the factory floor. A computer might be taught voice recognition, which saves
on the need for a typist.
Some features of intelligence, the accumulation of experience and creativity
are matters for computer scientists to solve. Computers have been taught to
play checkers, and championship chess. The issue with programming for a
winning chess game, is not effective unless the computer can eliminate some
of the possible moves, in order to increase the speed of its decisions
during the game. There are too many possible moves to continuously evalate
all the possible chess moves when the opponent reacts, unless the computer
learns the moves which are best. The theory of games is used by the
Department Of Defense to program the computer for War Games.
The area of creativity is another area of intelligence, which is compared to
learning, resolving sensory data, and solving problems. The issue of using
computers for "art", "creative expression" and "intuition and insight" are
broadly being considered for computer involvement.
Some drawbacks
Destroying privacy
Encouraging technophobia
Displacement -In the years 1808 to 1816, small bands of jobless English
weavers who called themselves Luddites roamed about in the textile towns of
Lancashire and Yorkshire smashing the weaving machines that the inductrial
revolution had introduced into the new red brisk factories. These weavers
were craftsmen whose craft had been made unnecessary by machines. The
eweavers were displaced. We know the Luddites by name today, because they
attempted to sabotage the industrial revolution. Craftsmen in other
indstries suffered the same fate as did rural workers in the cottage
White collar displacement/Blue collar displacement -Computers have been
replacing craftsmen as well as Computers do the work of a warranty manager
(maintenance of an auto), parts managers, accountants, supervisors, and
designers also. The strike of telephone company operators was hardly noticed
because automation was in place to replace their workplace performance.
Bookkeepers and stenographers are also in far less demand than before.
Brokerage houses are staffed with computers, not clerks any more. Many
scientific and engineering employees are being replaced by computers.
The computer industry does create many computer related high-tech jobs, but
it does not create those jobs in the U.S.A. particularly. The jobs will be
placed nearby to where computer automated plants are built. The issues
related to where computer aided manufactring might take place would depend
upon marketing, need for materials, transportation arrangements and labor
supply. In short it would depend upon what the use for the computers and
manufactures was intended to be.
Of course (p. 17 of Radlow) the computer is not the primary cause of
unemployment but only one contributing factor among many. It has brought
much that is good to the U.S. A. society and promises to contribute much
more. And human commitment and computer techniques in combined amounts, may
eventually solve the problem of unemployment in general, and displacement in
Destroying privacy -the computerized version of a filing cabinet for records
is a data bank. Computerized processing, storage and retrieving of data has
become so inexpensive that such records can now be kept indefinitely and
accessed in seconds. Now much more is known about many -by many. There are
many varieties of data banks. It is also possible to violate the privacy of
organizations, and institutions., and results can be disasterous for
individuals. This applies to institutions which have been using the personal
data of individuals. Te information can be dissemimated and may lead to
problems. Common uses by advertisement sellers for the data pertaining to
incomem and buying habits are not as nefarious as the use of information to
deny employment. The Privacy Act of 1974 addresses parts of the issue oof
protection personal privacy. Perhaps this is related to the Freedom Of
Information Act which allows access to some of the government's data. But
private data banks are not covered. State and local governments are not
covered either.
Technophobia -One issue wold be that the company may be able to spy on its
employees, and manipulate the assignments they have, according to obtain the
maximum efficiency. The employee maay fear the machines he works with, are
actually spying on his personal life, such as if he returns from a coffee
break on time, or late. Robots used in automated production settings also
cause many people to be injured. The use of the compurter sometimnes causes
carpo-tunnel syndrome. Computer users suffer from eyestrain, and back
problems due to the technology. Altogether, the issue of technophobia is
relate to the fear of depersonalization, dehumanization, and unemployment.
The use of social-security information can be directed toward the shaping of
people's lifestyles, into a standardized mold. A record of a contact with
the police may last as long as the social security number, which is a good
cause for technophobia.
connected society
Connected society -The telephone is the original tecnnology system which was
invented to facilitate connectivity. Today, telephone lines are vital to the
technology of computer networking. The focus of connectivity is on two
types, LANs or local area networks, which are put in place between different
departments and branch offices of an organization. Data including images and
ideas can be transmitted over the network. Otherwise the regular telephone
system can be used to connect to databases online, and/or to meet with
unknown strangers in a teleconference. You can pay your bills or make an
airline flight reservation online. Cable television is a subscription
network which can also be used for networking over VoIP telephones.
Educational networks are impacting many people who need training and
information about skills. Netwoorking has formed much of the world into a
global village. Communication satellites are used by the telephone companies
to supplement the use of underground cables that connect homes to the main
switching signal boxes.
The issues of connectivity cause many of the dimensions of communication to
feed us the truths about a global village. Computer networking means
connection within a framework of freedom. Office workers won't have to work
at the office. They can work at their homes. They can use whatever
facilities are useful. Portable computers can connect to a main office
computer. Computers are used as mail delivery devices also. And it is also
clear that computer connectivity is moving us toward a paperless society,
whether in business, science, or industry. So if bills can be paid by
computer, and school drills done on computer, if memos can be sent, and
university research teams interactively collaborate, and if a newspapper can
be read online, then why is the connectivity issue not discussed more often
for helping the disadvantaged? Society is heading toward the paperless
office, the paperless schoolroom, and the paperless desktop. Books will not
disappear, they are too valuable, but networking can make more information
available to more people, and it can make people more available to each
other if they wish to be consulted with. The connectivity technology is a
technology that promises to transform society in ways we can't even
imagine -and the transformation has begun.
Notes Chapter 1 -
The computer Age was created by human beings, working with computers and
other tools. The progress of the issues of the Computer Age will rest on
this foundation as well. All of us will use computers, either directly or
indirectly. All of us will participate in making decisions that can lead us
away from an Orwellian world and toward one in which there is more human
choice than ever before.
The issues considered broadly with regard to the computers which confront
us, directly involve human choices. The author writes that, we will see more
and more clearly that computer applications are flexible and versatile, and
give free rein to our individuality. This applies to business people whose
ideas are encouraged, and whose entrepreneurial spirit is released by
electronic spreadsheets. It applies to writers and editors in every field,
who use the word processor. It applies to researchers in economics and other
social sciences whose range is extended by computerized databases. It
applies to visual artists who use computer graphics as a sketchpad, or as
their primary medium. And it applies to city management experts using
computerized project analysis to improve the delivery of municipal services
and the quality of urban life. It applies to teachers developing computer
based individualized instruction-with the computer serving as the tutor of
every student.
None of the above applications demands an on hand computer
professional -merely a professional in some other field who is competent
enough to know enough to use an existing application, or to ask a computer
professional to develop an application for the need.
Every computer application just mentioned also has its natural place in an
information society. The way the author considers society, is to state, "by
which I mean a society whose primary economic activity is the production and
communication of information. This describes the United States and other
advanced nations. It also encompasses careers in business, communications,
economic and other research, education, health care, law, management, and
most other areas where human beings exercise judgement and communicate their
ideas. And it is the reason why so man colleges now insist that an educated
person must understand how computers, and computer systems, and computer
applications affect the world."
Each chapter of Radlow's book includes a chapter summary to review the
important ideas and information contained within the chapter.
Summary of Chapter 1
Computers increasingly affect our lives in numerous ways which benefit
individuals and society as a whole.In medical uses, databases, networks,
artificial intelligence, research, instructional matarials, science and
research, business, math and statistics, etc. And the computer affects us
negatively also, with the potential loss of our jobs, and our privacy.
Review material Chapter 1
Chapter 2
How Computers Store and Handle Information-Numbers Words and Symbols:
The importance of representation:
Representation and information
The representation machine
Natural and articial reprentations
Representation and information -Radlow suggest that a salary to be paid to
an employee can be "represented" in several written forms. This goes to the
issue of compatibility between machines (computers) in the final analysis.
But the use of language is involved, even at the level where human beings
are expected to be able top decode a langage which information has been
presented with (used to represent information). A conventional
representation uses an artificial convention to represent information. Some
artificial symbol systems are: maps, secret codes, musical notation,
satellite signals which beam photographs, and ASCII characters. The
alternate is natural representation. Perhaps this is related to natural
history, or natural spirituality "religion" which is a belief system.
Representation machine -The authors discuss working with numbers involves
representing them. Multiplying two numbers together would be to multiply
their representations, which is the purpose of symbols. The symbol
representation is simpler to use than the objects (i.e., eight chickens).
Computers are useful because they can deal with many types of
representations of different types of information. Where a calculator can be
used for numbers, and a therrmostat can be used to adjust temperatre using a
current, and a stereo amplifier can be used for working with audio, the
computer can work with all of these rather well.
A computer can manipulate representations with great speed an accuracy. A
computer, given a way of representing geographical information, would be
able to give an answer to a route question involving a hundred cities. But
the computer doies not understand that the names of cities represent cities,
nor would it understand the features of the cities themselves. It wold
require additional information be made available to it.
------ end of report here ---
Management of programs require oversight. The organization of tenant
affairs would prevent the constant victimization of an underclass. There
must be a constructive acticity where the state can channel its defective
politicians and cronies. The children and young families in poverty have
enough to work on, without becoming the center of attention within a city
which is largely funded as a concentrations camp, but political privacy can
be purchased cheaply, while the scheme is ideological, perhaps sinner vs.
saint, or they vs. us,
Post by bananaInternment of families without criminal charge in Manchester.
Families are being interned if
a) one member is 'guilty of anti-social behaviour'
(the police can get a magistrate to arrange that,
without any criminal charge being laid)
b) they are in danger of losing their home
(the council can arrange that)
c) "they have expressed a will to address parenting issues"
(the social workers and medics can arrange that, no problem)
They're locked up pretty much indefinitely, without ever facing criminal
Look how brown-nose boy Paul Lewis lyingly repeats in his 'Guardian'
article that 70% have either been rehoused or are "in line" to be
Anyone remotely familiar with bureaucratic lies and white-collar work
knows that this really means: 'nowhere near 70% have been rehoused, and
the real figure is so low that we're not going to tell you'.
Oh, and guess what, this internment is 'voluntary' at the moment, but
the government plans to make it 'compulsory'.
Oh yeah, and I looked up the outfit called 'National Children's Homes'.
Its chairman Gordon Edington is a big property guy. He's a director of
"Lend Lease is a leading real estate services business, having
developed, constructed and managed real estate assets around the world
for over 45 years. From office towers, hospitals and airports, to
shopping centres, pharmaceutical facilities and RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES,
Lend Lease has created many landmarks for the public sector and private
enterprise." [my emphasis - banana]
Edington is also a former
- chairman of the property company Greycoat Estates
- president of the British Property Federation
- member of the Bank of England Property Forum
Respect agenda
'Most families can turn their lives around'
Paul Lewis
Wednesday January 11, 2006
The Guardian
When Alice Stevens went to England's first parenting centre in
Collyhurst, Manchester, she was losing control of her life. Her partner,
Mike, had died and she had been evicted from her rented house. Homeless,
the 50-year-old mother of three began touring Manchester's temporary
night shelters with her 12-year-old son, Lee, and turned to drink during
the day. "I spent nearly all day down the pub. Lee would come to the pub
with me in the mornings and hang out with his mates in the afternoons.
He hadn't been to school in 18 months."
A year on, with the help of staff at the Foundations centre, an
initiative set up by the children's charity NCH and Manchester city
council to offer support to vulnerable families, Alice has stopped
drinking and her youngest son has returned to school. "I never thought
he'd take GCSEs," said Alice. "I still can't believe it."
The project, first piloted in Dundee, is now to be expanded nationwide.
The Manchester centre houses up to five families on its top floor. Each
family has its own flat, and is responsible for paying bills and
covering maintenance repairs. The rest of the building is set aside for
the offices, classrooms, kitchens and relaxation rooms in which
Foundations' 13 members of staff support, advise and train their
To qualify for a place, a family must be at risk of losing its home and
express a will to address parenting issues. A stay in the centre will
usually last around a year, and around 70% of Foundations' intake either
have been rehoused or are in line to be.
The aim is to teach parents how to manage their home, stick to a routine
and discipline their children. Each day parents receive classes geared
towards good parenting, including lessons in healthy eating, DIY and
literacy. "This isn't a soft option," says Andy Duff, project manager.
The most controversial rule at Foundations is the compulsory observation
session, conducted by staff four times a day. "Staff have to check up on
families," explains Duff. "We go in every morning to make sure the kids
are up for school and breakfast is ready," he says. "In the evenings we
make sure a healthy meal is in the oven."
Alice initially resisted the intrusions, says her support worker, Jill
Atkins. "But we're not about standing on the doorstep, we're about
getting stuck into these families. After a tricky start we find most
families can turn their lives around."
Alice agrees: "People from my estate told me not to go in," she says.
"But this place has changed things for me. I'm going to go back to my
friends and live with my boys again. I wouldn't have done it without
them, without Jill."
ยท Family names have been changed.
FAQ: Getting support
How do the support schemes work?
Pilot projects in Manchester and Dundee are run by NCH Foundations. In
east Manchester the scheme provides residential support for five
families. After signing a support licence agreement, each family
receives its own flat and is held responsible for furnishing and
maintaining its space. Families consisting of up to six people stay for
up to 18 months.
Which families qualify?
They must meet three criteria: one member of the family must be guilty
of antisocial behaviour; the family must be homeless or about to lose
their home; parents must accept the need to improve parenting skills.
What does the programme entail?
Parents have a tutored class a week and daily support. Parents receive
accredited lessons in sewing, DIY, healthy living, cooking, relaxation,
self-esteem, anger management and counselling sessions. Afterwards,
families get a certificate and are rehoused.
Is the scheme voluntary?
The NCH schemes are, but a concern for staff is that, under proposals
unveiled yesterday, problem families would be referred to residential
"sin bins" on a compulsory basis.
banana "The thing I hate about you, Rowntree, is the way you
give Coca-Cola to your scum, and your best teddy-bear to
Oxfam, and expect us to lick your frigid fingers for the
rest of your frigid life." (Mick Travis, 'If...', 1968)